Episode 39: Week 3 of the New You

My challenge, to focus on bringing more joy into my life AND focus on not being comfortable at work. The joy part…. May seem a bit extreme but I bought a used car. I have always had a thing for cars, think of myself as a car guy but have never had anything that stood out. I do now! I found a Boss 302 with 600 miles on it. I am not specifically a Ford guy but the car had fun written all over it. A few weeks ago, I probably would have said it’s too expensive, or thought “I’m not a Mustang guy”… this time I said just have fun!  Now, about the not being comfortable at work, that is going to need more refinement. The original challenge was around me picking up my own personal work content delivery.  I work around 11 hrs a day but I just don’t feel the time is delivering the results that it should. What I decided being comfortable at work meant was for me to change my style. As a coworker told me once, just because you can take on every issue, doesn’t mean you should. How do I get people to up their game without bringing out the Old Scrooge and not the new Scrooge?

This Week’s Talk

What did you learn about yourself this past week?  I think I am convinced that if you really want to make BIG life changes you need to be checking in on yourself as you go through the day and ask yourself if you are being true to the goals, priorities, and visions you set out for yourself. I have mentioned in the blog that I am not a believer of multi-tasking.  To me this is just dilution of your effort. Also, be sensitive to the tyranny of the urgent always winning over the important and we end up not making progress on what will really make an impact. People, and most bosses, just don’t get that we are over prioritized. When you focus on everything, you focus on nothing. I also think as a result of not being able to focus on everything, you have to be comfortable delegating or just plain leaving, other things for others to do. They may not do it the same way you want, as well, or as thoroughly, but let it go and move on. Pick your priority and focus on that. Is that one thing you are currently working on going to take you to the next level? If not, then why are you working on it?

This Week’s Assignment

I ABSOLUETLY understand how hard it is to commit to something when there is no sign, no guarantee, no assurance that what you desire will come to fruition. It is easy to just “be practical”. Nothing great ever comes from being practical, or from playing it safe. Sure, you can build a good life, you can save millions of dollars being safe, but that may not bring about that which burns in your heart. Check in with yourself. What are you doing that just isn’t working or even worse, just not related what so ever to your dream? Get your dream set in your mind. Unshakable. Stop, stop, stop playing it cautious and trying to posture contingencies. Go big. Be bold. Me, I still think I have a NY Times Best Seller in me. You? See you next week…

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