Becoming a new and better you is not easy. If it was, you would already be the person you want to be and be living the life you want to live. Did you do the exercise for last week? Did you contemplate the goal(s) that you have set for yourself? Do you get fired up thinking about it? Can you believe that you are on your way to becoming “that” person? If this isn’t exciting to you then something is wrong. You only get one life and you don’t know when the end of your shift is, so I advise you that if this undertaking does not set your soul on fire, then you need bigger goals. You need to set richer expectations for your life. Be bold! Large and in charge… of your life. It is yours. Own it and hold yourself accountable for doing and being as great a human as you possibly can be.

This Week’s Talk
It’s a long life until it isn’t. Then it’s too late. The first 40 or so years for me were uneventful relative to any great concern over how much time I had to become my best me. Can’t say the ones after that were. I have been temporarily paralyzed, diagnosed (wrongly) with breast cancer, lost my heart beat for 72 seconds during hip surgery, and was told I have what is, due to its size, essentially an inoperable growth in my head. My advice to you… make hay while the sun shines. As our dear friend is told by the Ghost of Christmas Past… we are talking about “your welfare… your reclamation, then. Take heed!”
This Week’s Assignment
In many cases there is a high degree of congruency between what you do to see the real beauty in life, how you experience events, how you treat others, and your efforts to be a better you. Do you think that unhappy, cranky, frustrated people sit on a mountain top at dawn to see the sun rise over a valley, kayak out into the bay and watch the whales, travel to experience the majesty of the northern lights, see the joy that others experience when you help them, or even just sit quietly and watch some birds hop about and chirp and just… be birds? Have you ever sat, with no distractions, and just enjoyed some time outside? Feel the sun on your face, feel the breeze, hear the breeze in the trees and bushes, listen to the life all around you? Ever just listen to crickets or spring peepers? What about the sound of a bird’s wings as it flies past? There is much all around you to stop and absorb to help ground you and quiet your mind so you can hear the real you calling out to be released.
Your exercise this week is to reflect upon what your immediate response would be if you were diagnosed today with a terminal illness or knew that you were going to die in 30 days? What will you wish you have been, done, seen, experienced….how will you feel about the person you are and have been? What runs through your mind that you wish you could go back and change?
See you next week…
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